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Cnidium Seed Powder Extract 35% Osthole
Cnidium Seed Powder Extract 35% Osthole

Cnidium Seed Powder Extract 35% Osthole

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Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cusson ex Juss., Monnier's snowparsley, is a flowering plant species in the genus Cnidium. Also known as Shechuangzi, Osthole, Jashoshi, Cnidii Fructus (Fruits of Cnidium). It may be confused with Bacopa monneri, Cnidium officinale, (both similar but different plants). The coumarins osthol, imperatorin and xanthotoxol can be found in C. monnieri.Cnidium monnieri is native to India, China, Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Vietnam, the European Russia (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea) and Europe. Grows in riparian grasslands and is adventive in North America (Oregon).Cnidium monnieri is one of the most widely used traditional herbal medicines and its fruits have been used to treat a variety of diseases in China, Vietnam, and Japan. As of this writing, 350 compounds have been isolated and identified from C. monnieri, including the main active constituent, coumarins. In vitro and in vivo studies suggest that osthole and other coumarin compounds possess wide range of pharmacological properties for the treatment of female genitals, male impotence, frigidity, skin-related diseases, and exhibit strong antipruritic, anti-allergic, antidermatophytic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-osteoporotic effects. Although coumarins have been identified as the main active constituents responsible for the observed pharmacological effects, the molecular mechanisms of their actions are still unknown. A pro-erectile herb from traditional Chinese medicine, Cnidium monnieri and its main bioactive known as osthole appear to have mechanisms similar to Viagra in penile tissue and the hippocampus; the influence of Cnidium monnieri on testosterone and cognition remains unexplored.
Part Number: 654-08-1kg
Botanical Name: Cnidium monnieri